Siamo orgogliosi dei continui riconoscimenti che riceviamo da clienti e colleghi, sulla base dei quali Who’s Who Legal 2021 ha confermato Luca G. Radicati di Brozolo, Massimo Benedettelli e Michele Sabatini come Global Leaders in Arbitrato, con Luca G. Radicati di Brozolo incluso anche tra i Thought Leaders. Who’s Who ha altresì confermato Emilio Bettoni, Flavio Ponzano e Fabio Santacroce come Future Leaders del settore.

Legalcommunity Litigation Awards 2020: ArbLit è lo studio dell’anno –  arbitrati Internazionali!

Pioggia di segnalazioni da parte sia dei peer che dei clienti per lo studio in quest’aerea. Sono a tutti gli effetti il team di riferimento per il mercato sul fronte arbitrati internazionali”.

Competenza, passione e dedizione sono le principali caratteristiche che ci riconoscono i clienti.
Un grazie doveroso a loro ma soprattutto ai nostri giovani e virtuosi talenti.


Anche quest’anno ArbLit conta cinque menzioni nella classifica Who’s Who Legal dei principali specialisti italiani dell’arbitrato.

Luca G. Radicati di Brozolo, tra i più conosciuti e rispettati professionisti del settore, è elogiato come “estremamente competente in materia di arbitrati d’investimento” e “uno dei migliori arbitri italiani nel settore”. Massimo Benedettelli è acclamato come “stimato membro della comunità dell’arbitrato”, “sempre molto preparato e proattivo nel risolvere i problemi”. Michele Sabatini è “brillante e davvero infaticabile” e fornisce “memorie di ottima qualità, così come tanta esperienza nel settore” dell’arbitrato commerciale e degli investimenti. Anche i senior associate Emilio Bettoni e Flavio Ponzano sono riconosciuti come professionisti di spicco.

ArbLit achieves five listings in the 2019 Who’s Who ranking featuring the leading Italian arbitration specialists.


Luca Radicati di Brozolo wins extensive praise from market commentators who consider him “extremely knowledgeable in investment arbitration” and hail him as “one of the best Italian arbitrators”.

Michele Sabatini is a “very hands-on and extremely hard-working” lawyer, effuse peers who add he “understands the construction business and has a great experience in international arbitration”.

Massimo Benedettelli is a renowned name in the Italian market who has over 30 years of experience acting as counsel, chairman and sole arbitrator in domestic and international proceedings.

Emilio Bettoni is a “diligent lawyer who is attentive to details” say sources, adding that he is “a specialist in arbitration matters but he also has amazing technical knowledges about the most typical problems of a construction projects”.

Flavio Ponzano is a well-regarded figure among peers who describe him as “a great young lawyer”. His expertise lies in international construction, commercial and energy disputes.

Reputed boutique, demonstrating strong capabilities in litigation and an excellent reputation in arbitration. Handles a number of multi-jurisdictional arbitrations, including mandates linked with Europe, USA, the Middle East and Africa. Team includes lawyers able to act as arbitrators or counsel. Advises clients on domestic and international disputes related to a wide variety of areas including real estate, construction and energy. Also handles international arbitrations with criminal aspects.



Sources acknowledge the firm’s “recognised reputation in international arbitration.”


Work highlights

Assisted AmTrust Financial with EUR3 billion arbitration and related proceedings against its former Italian broker, concerning allegations of bribery.


Firm co-founder Luca Radicati di Brozolo acts as both counsel and arbitrator and is, according to sources, a “very well-known name in the market.” He represented Natland Investment Group and three others in an investor-state arbitration against the Czech Republic regarding the retroactive repeal of the incentive regime designed to promote investments in the renewable energy sector.


Michele Sabatini tackles commercial and investment arbitration, as well as international litigation. He advised Consta on potential investment arbitration proceedings against Ethiopia following the Supreme Court’s annulment of an award won in favour of the client.


Milan-based Luca Radicati di Brozolo is a founding member of ARBLIT – Radicati di Brozolo Sabatini Benedettelli Torsello and a high-profile figure in both the Italian and European arbitration arenas. He frequently presides over CEE and Latin America-related arbitration cases involving energy, telecoms and contractual disputes under ICSID and ICC rules. Peers report that he is an “excellent arbitrator” with a “great academic profile.”


Firm co-founder Luca Radicati di Brozolo acts as both counsel and arbitrator and is, according to sources, a “very well-known name in the market.” He represented Natland Investment Group and three others in an investor-state arbitration against the Czech Republic regarding the retroactive repeal of the incentive regime designed to promote investments in the renewable energy sector.


Michele Sabatini tackles commercial and investment arbitration, as well as international litigation. He advised Consta on potential investment arbitration proceedings against Ethiopia following the Supreme Court’s annulment of an award won in favour of the client.